Friday, December 30, 2011
Mama Shiro
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
On The Domestic Front: Concept of Care

Monday, December 26, 2011
Boxing Day: A Rant
Sitting at the breakfast table I polled about 8 people, "Do you know what boxing day is?"
Aunt #1: "No, that is a good question. I don't really know what it is?"
Heavy-Set Uncle: "Me either, but you see it on the calendar all the time."
Aunt #3: "Well it is the day after Christmas"
Aunt #1: "I thought it was Canadian?"
Cousin #5476: "Who cares?"
Aunt #3: "Well I wonder what it has to do with boxes."
I asked the driver, "What is boxing day?"
Driver: "What?"
Me: "Boxing day"
Driver: "What is that?"
I asked the people at church. "Do any of you know what today is?"
Random Church lady 1: "Yes. Today is boxing day."
Me: "Oh really, what is that? I mean what does it celebrate?"
Church lady with the head wrap: "Well I bet it has something to do with boxes. Like maybe that is when you are supposed to open your gifts...because gifts are in boxes..."
Church lady listening to our conversation: "No it is not. I don't know what it is but why would you open gifts the day after Christmas."
Random Church lady 1: "(very loud and dramatic clearing of throat. insert attitude).
In total, I asked about 30 people what Boxing day was and no one knew. They were all just glad to be off of work. So, of course, I had to find out what this day was. After researching on line for a while, I have found that Boxing day is only acknowledged by former British Colonies. And what is it?
To protect ships
During the Age of Exploration, when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land, A Christmas Box was used as a good luck device. It was a small container placed on each ship while it was still in port. It was put there by a priest, and those crewmen who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box. It was then sealed up and kept on board for the entire voyage. If the ship came home safely, the box was handed over to the priest in the exchange for the saying of a Mass of thanks for the success of the voyage. The Priest would keep the box sealed until Christmas when he would open it to share the contents with the poor.
To help the poor
An 'Alms Box' was placed in every church on Christmas Day, into which worshipers placed a gift for the poor of the parish. These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas, which is why that day became know as Boxing Day.
A present for the workers
Many poorly paid workers were required to work on Christmas Day and took the following day off to visit their families. As they prepared to leave, their employers would present them with Christmas boxes.
During the late 18th century, Lords and Ladies of the manor would "box up" their leftover food, or sometimes gifts and distribute them the day after Christmas to tenants who lived and worked on their lands.
And the tradition still continues today ......
The tradition of giving money to workers still continues today. It is customary for householders to give small gifts or monetary tips to regular visiting trades people (the milkman, dustman, coal man, paper boy etc.) and, in some work places, for employers to give a Christmas bonus to employees.
Schools across the country gather together gifts to be put in Christmas Boxes that are sent to poorer countries.
Okay, so I started my Boxing day being slightly irritated that no one knew what it was. Why did that piss me off? I don't know. Maybe it was that the heat had finally melted my brain. Mombasa is HOT. Too hot. It was hot day and night. I was constantly sweating. I was even sweating above my lip like Whitney Houston. I never sweat there. I was hot and miserable. Plus, I started to feel sick. My stomach was upset and I think it was because I spent all day and night cooking from the inside out, our outside in (depends on how you look at it). As a matter of fact I was just generally irritated. One of Angela's cousins is in a relationship with a White woman. She came to Kenya with her son and daughter to represent their family at the wedding. SHE GETS ON MY FREAKING NERVES. Not because she is White, but because she is annoying....and I absolutely HATE (and yes, that is a strong word that I am very intentionally using) the way that Africans respond to White people. They treat them like Gods. They wave to them, and sing to them when they walk down the street. They give them better service. They, literally, run behind them. Whenever we have the White lady in the car, no one questions us; gates just open and security guards just step out of the way. I don't know why the African people are so kind to the White man who STOLE PEOPLE AND RESOURCES FROM YOUR ENTIRE CONTINENT FOR YEARS! AND ARE A BIG REASON FOR ALL YOUR PROBLEMS TODAY? WTF? Do know I am screaming inside as I write this. I mean Damn? Really? I really, really, really, really despise that. It makes me pewk. Yuck. We also went to Catholic church today for the baby to be baptized. Why people baptize babies? I have no idea? Why would a sin-less person need to be "saved"? Would God seriously send un-saved babies/children to hell? Well if that is the case, that is not the God I would serve...So I have realized that although I am trying to be open to understanding religion and the weird things that people do in hopes of getting closer to God, I completely don't get Catholics and I officially dislike Catholic events. THEY ARE SO FREAKING LONG! Why do we have to stand up for you to say this one sentence? Oh, so we sit back down now. Then, WHY ARE WE STANDING UP AGAIN OH PRIEST!? WE JUST SAT DOWN? It is too hot for this non-sense!!! Oh, now we kneel? For what? Can't we pray sitting down?! And I don't even understand what you are saying because you are speaking Swahili and that makes this long, hot, confusing, weird, service even more taxing. WHEN WILL THIS END? Moving on, I am also irritated because I have spent the past few days doing the family-thing with Angela's family. As nice and wonderful as they are, and they are genuinely very good people, the family thing, with any family, gets exhausting after a while. Every place we go, we go in a big hot van of at least 10 people. We went to the market to go shopping and there were about 15 of us walking in and out of stores in a huge group. Why don't we just split up and then met at the car so we can be more productive? Or just so we don't look like a gang? Because no one seems to think I know what I am doing because I am American. Being American in Africa makes people treat you like you are fucking retarded (please note again, this is a rant and I am venting right now). "Oh Adrianne, you can't take a matatu, people will steal from you." Hello? People steal everywhere. Do you know who gets robbed? People who don't know how not to be robbed. Duh? There are universal rules to not being robbed. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't stand in one place for a long time. Don't look/act scared. Hold on to your shit. Better yet, don't bring your shit with you. Fuck. I get it. I can take a freaking matatu. Do you know what I rode around in when I was in Ghana? This matatu is a luxury bus. I am taking the matatu. Move out of my way "Adrianne, you know how to make your own eggs? I am so impressed. Wow. Who turned on the stove for you? Oh, you did it?! " Are you kidding me? I AM NOT HELPLESS! I am not stupid! I am just not from Africa. I can make my own food! Why does everything I do impress, amaze or alarm you. "Adrianne, you eat goat? You must be an African." I am not an African because I eat goat?! People eat goat in America! Please stop watching me eat like I am some fucking display. Get out of my mouth so I can chew my goat in peace. Gosh. "Adrianne, are you sure you want to buy that banana?" Yes I am sure I want to buy this banana. It is a freaking banana! I can pick the banana I want to buy. I don't want to eat the green one like you do. I intentionally picked this banana with the brown spots. Not because I don't know what I am doing, but because I DO KNOW WHAT I AM DOING! I picked this one because it is sweeter. Geez! Get off of me!!!! Fuck. You are making me crazy!...but what the hell, you people don't even know what boxing day is...Happy Boxing Day to you and yours from a Black-American girl in Kenya who has clearly gone mad.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Chrismas in Kenya!
5. Christmas here is more about God, and people, and less about stuff. There are not Christmas trees, plastic reindeer, lights, and snowmen...and there are not even gifts really. Everyone goes to church and then goes home and has dinner with their families. It is more like Thanksgiving (which happens to be my favorite U.S. holiday) in which people share their time and lots of food. Today, Angela's family is going to kill a goat. I told my mom this last night and she said, "They are going to kill a goat on Christmas?! Well, that is not very Christmas like." Hilarious.
4. People sing a lot on Christmas and they sing all day! I love the music! The harmony! The drums! It is glorious! The hotel we are staying in is surrounded by 4 churches. Today I went and sat in the church that I felt had the best singing. They were singing in another language, but lucky for me the song was repetitive so I was able to sing-a-long. The church with the best singing was a very poor church filled with people who were obviously very poor too; however, they were rich in praise...and boy could they sing! I even stayed for the prayer. Everyone prayed privately. A lot of people cried...a lot.Even though I could not understand what they were saying...I totally understood. There is a lot of suffering on this continent. I could feel it...that made my heart really sad. I have always been a bit critical of speaking in tounges and shouting and all other religous activitiy that I consider chaotic...but here, I felt that it was necessary. Where there is so much suffering and pain and poverty and dying, it seems perfectly normal to just rock and cry or shout for no apparent reason or even repeat the same meaningless words over and over for hours until your soul is okay. I really liked the Christmas morning church service.
3. The Christian Christmas does not dominate the country. I feel a genuine respect for other religions in Kenya. I really see Muslims and Christians and Hindus really living and working together. Even though Christianity is the dominate religion and the major corporations and banks are closed, all the stores did not close today. No one assumes what you believe and says "Merry Christmas" all the time. It is the holiday season but it is not blatantly shoved down everyone's throat. I like that.
2. The weather is beautiful.
1. In Kenya, Santa is Black! So, all who know me well know that I am in love with Coca-Cola, especially it's marketing.

Coca-Cola advertising actually helped shape this modern-day image of Santa. 2006 marked the 7th anniversary of the famous ...but even with all of this, none of this is a great as being with my family and friends on Christmas day. I miss you all! Merry Christmas! I LOVE YOU! |
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Road to Mombasa

Thursday we hung out on the beach at this cool bar called "The Forty Thieves" and I put my feet in the Indian Ocean for the first time in my life. As of this moment, I will claim the Indian Ocean as my favorite ocean because it is so warm and blue. I love it. I then took my first camel ride across the beach. It was awesome and it only cost 300 Kenyan Shillings....about $3 U.S. dollars. My camels name was Thomas.

Friday we went deeper into the Indian Ocean on a trip to swim with the dolphins. We did see dolphins, but we did not exactly swim with them. Oh, We saw these two dolphins mating and boy were they getting it in! It was awesome! Dolphins are one of the only mammals, like humans, who have intercourse for pleasure and not just reproduction. Very cool. No wonder they are such happy and playful animals. They really like humans too.

Monday, December 19, 2011
China Man
Sunday, December 18, 2011
She's Your Queen to Be!

The couple live in Seattle, Washington and are both nurses. They have dated for over 8 years and finally decided to get married.

Overall, it was a good day but I will declare that as my first, and last, African wedding. It is a bit too much for me.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Going to the Mosque

Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Have's and the Have Not's
"So! How do you find Kenya?"
"I love it. It is a beautiful country."
"Say, is this your first time in Africa?"
"No. I visited Ghana earlier this summer"
"Oh, so Kenya is more developed than Ghana. Yes?" (Why is he asking me this?)
"Um. It depends on what you consider development."
"Eh, What do you mean?" (Why is this man pressing me? I am trying to be nice.)
"Well if you consider development tall buildings and paved roads; then yes, Kenya is developing quickly and maybe more so than Ghana. But if you consider development everyone having access to clean water, decent housing situations, low HIV/AIDS rates, and opportunities for employment, then no Kenya is not more developed than Ghana. I see more people here with lots of money, but I also see an over-abundance of impoverished people. I see more poor people than I see people like yourself. So until the masses are living a decent life in which their most basic needs are met, than perhaps a country is not truly developed."
"Eh. I see." (Was that a look of embarrassment on his face? Perhaps he had ignored the slums we passed on the way to this one gated mansion.).
"Well, I have to go now. Nice talking with you"
I could not stand this man another second. I have such mixed feelings about success in the form of wealth in this country. It was great to see Mr. Microsoft-Boss man was a brother and all the people on the team were black as well. Black people doing well in Africa! That did my heart some good. But I am somehow disgusted by their disconnection to all the poor people, who look just like them, who are surrounding them. If you talk to a wealthy African about the poverty of the vast majority of African people, they will respond as if they are talking about a distant stranger, "Oh yes. It is so sad for them". This furthers my belief that race is still an issue in America, and throughout the world; but race is no longer the issue. Socio-economics and class divisions are the civil rights issue of our time. It is not just an American issue, it is global issue...and it just happens that the majority of poor people are people of color. But the focus should no longer be Black people the focus should surely be poor people... Note: I am a big fan of Dr. Martin Luther King's work and 3 years before he died his focus was on class division. He wanted more rights for poor people because he noticed that the civil rights movement had benefited middle-class Blacks...not the Blacks that the movement intended to benefit. Read about is very interesting that he called that so long ago and it reins true today.

The grandmother smiled. "EVERYDAY!"
"Oh. For how many hours?"
"Some days 8 hours, some days

1 more hour passes by. Fuck. I'm screwed. I physically can't do this anymore. My thumbs are going to bleed...or break off.

A boy decides to share something to cheer me up, "Yes. It is hard work. You have to get used to it. You did a good job. There are actually machines to do this work now. We just can't afford that, so we do it this way. Here, drink some water."
I sat down and pretended to drink the water he handed me, because I don't want to show my American-ness again by reminding him that I can only drink bottled water. But while I sat I thought about the conversation that I had with the idiot man at the party earlier that day and his comments disturbed me all the more. Perhaps he had never done this type of work? Maybe no one he knows does this type of work?

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Western Provience: Obama's Tribe

Our first stop was at Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and the second largest lake in the world. I don't think it was all that impressive, it was a massive lake, but I did enjoy seeing a place I taught my students about.
There were ladies cleaning the fish that the men caught earlier that day. I asked to take a picture with one of the ladies and she made me buy her a coke for this picture that was ruined by my driver who did not understand that I did not want him in my photos.

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the day!

This kid couldn't get enough. I think this was visit number three or four for him. Everyone else had already turned in their cups.

For the record, working in a center like this makes me very critical of the evil commercials we see on television about he hungry little African children. First of all, the commercials are correct in that many children and Africa, Kenya, do not have enough to eat. This is true. However, the way the children are made to look unkept, and uncared for is cruel and intentional. It makes me sick. Many of these children are orphaned by HIV/AIDS and they live in slums; however, they are often being cared for by a family member or other people in the community. These children are washed and lotioned and brushed daily. Of course there are a couple of snotty noses and ripped pants because these are CHILDREN and even more so because they are poor children.

Much like it seems that the newscasters find the most ignorant, illiterate, Black person to tell the story, the Feed-the-Children organizations target the outliers: the poorest, snottiest, nakedest, pitifullest, and try to make them seem like the norm. Don't give money to those organizations. Of a dollar, I bet 30 cents of it makes it to the children...and of that 30 cent, 20 cent is likely stolen by the African organizations that are full of corruption. If you really want to help children in Africa, or in any developing nation, get on a plane and come over. Buy the food when you get there...don't give money. See to it that the food is cooked and the children are served. Sadly, it is the only way to really know that your money really went to the children

Thursday, December 8, 2011
She Washed My Dirty Drawers
Today, I have almost burned a bridge with my favorite person in the house, Emily (the HIV positive househelp). I have been planning to do my laundry for the past few days but now that I am volunteering everyday, I have not been able to do my laundry while the sun is up (cause I need to hang it on the line when it is done) so I have not done it. Joesphine told me her maid, Emily does the laundry and I should just give my laundry to her. I bundled up my clothes, took them to Emily and went off for another day of volunteering. A few hours later, I was delighted when I came home to find my clothes clothes washed, ironed and neatly folded on my bed. Great!
A few hours later...
"Knock, Knock". Came the knock on my bedroom door.
"Adrianne we need to talk", Josephine said with a stern look on her face.
I immediately begin to wonder what did I do wrong, because I know I am the type of person who just messes up in her sheer existence. I couldn't think of anything so I braced myself for the worst, "Emily is very upset about the laundry. You left your underwear in the laundry and that is a sign of great disrespect in Kenya."
My heart sank. Is that why there are always underwear hanging in the bathroom? I just thought they didn't have enough to wait til laundry day! I was supposed to wash my own drawers!
"Oh my God! I am so sorry. I had no idea!" and I really didn't considering that is something that they failed to mention in Lonely Planet Kenya addition. Dammit!
"Why did she wash them?! She could have left them out. I would have washed them myself." I asked with genuine concern.
"She was being nice to you because she knows you are a foreigner. But your actions have made her think that you think of her as low. She is really hurt." Had I seriously accidentally told Emily to kiss my ass...or wash my ass. That's horrible! I am a horrible person! Josephine goes on, "when a women starts menstruation she doesn't allow others to clean her panties. Only men and children have their underwear washed by others". (Men and children? Are these the helpless people of the society?)
"Oh. Well just so you know, I hadn't menstruated in any of those panties." yes, I felt the need to say that, "but I get the point. Should I go apologize?"
"It would be nice but the language barrier is a problem," Josephine reminded me that Emily does not speak any English and I speak no Swahili.
I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about what I should do. AH HA!
Quick as a flash I grabbed some of the panties Emily washed and ran down the stairs. I found Emily in the kitchen washing dishes. I turned her around and showed her the panties. Then I got the most pitiful look on my face, which wasn't hard cause I really felt bad, and said I am so sorry over and over. I gave her hugs and kisses and kept saying I am sorry. She understood. She hugged me back and laughed at my ridiculous display. Josephine laughed too.
I think we might be friends again.
I am now going to bed...but before I sleep, I must respectfully take the time to hang my hand washed drawers amongst the others in the bathroom.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Slums
Today was my first day volunteering. But before I get to that I will start with last night. I have been having a really hard time going to sleep. First of all, the bed that I am currently sleeping in is in a little girls room and has a terrible mattress. The mattress is actually caved in the middle so that it does not support my body at all. Every morning I wake up and my back is killing me. I have started to stuff blankets under the center of the bed in hopes of getting a flat service to sleep upon. I am not sure if I am accomplishing this goal. Also, there are a lot of starving dogs that bark and cry through the night. It is miserable. And, I keep worrying about mosquito's so I don't leave the window's open (because they don't have screens) and there is also no fan in the room so it gets quite stuffy as the night goes on. Not to mention the 8 hour time difference that has me totally out of wack. I think I managed to get about 2 hours of sleep last night. I woke up at 6 a.m. this morning and prepared for my first day of work. The name of the children's center is...well I forgot the name, but it is run by local women who are mostly retired and seeking to help improve the community. The center is located in the slums and serves poor school children lunch everyday.They also provide free childcare services for 3-6 year-olds. Many of the children that they serve are abandoned by the effects of HIV/AIDS...either both of their parents have died or one died and the other left in order to hide the shame of their sickness. Some children live with their grandparents; however most of the children who come here are on their own and are somehow raising each other. DsSome of them are HIV/AIDS positive themselves. Since the children are currently out of school many of them come to the center during the day to hang out with other children and to get a hot meal. The government periodically sends programs to help teach the children; according to Ms. Mary they NEVER send money. I came in during a government health program to teach children about safe sex...actually, that is not what they did at all. They taught the children about abstinence and the teacher told the class, "Just forget about sex until you are married." One boy raised his hand and asked "What about masturbation?" The teacher looks shocked and said, "You should engage yourself in other activities that will expend your energy. Go for jogging. Go play football. Go to church. These things will help you forget about sex." In a country where HIV/AIDS has become such an epidemic that economic growth has been effected, I think masturbation would be a dear friend to young adults, especially those who have already lost a loved one to the disease. This disturbed me so much, that I had to talk to the teacher after class. After lying and telling him how much I enjoyed his lesson, I went in for the kill, "Sooo....Is this a religious program or a government program?".
"Oh, it is a government program that was sponsored by the Catholic church".
"So what would be the problem with young people, with God-given sexual desires, masturbating?".
"God doesn't want that," pause, "and they might become addicted to it!"
My experience in Ghana taught me to leave it there. When someone is so culturally different it is impossible to argue. I guess I just want to make friends while here so everyone won't hate me. It made my heart hurt a lot though. The more I talk to locals the more I understand the HIV/AIDS epidemic is so deep, it is more than just a health issue, it arises from so many social issues. One of them being the lack of education. The other is, the lack of education by internal people who are best fit to solve their own problems. Why in the world would Catholics not acknowledge that they need to alter their message for the unique circumstance of the African people. They should! Especially considering that they, and other White Christians, caused half of Africa's problems when they arrived on the continent hundreds of years ago. Sadly, they are still a great contributor to African's problems today. So I decided I did not want to continue to sit in on the sex-mis-education class...
I went to the kitchen to see if they needed any help. They put me work immediately! I love working in the kitchen with the women and girls. They teach me Swahili. We laugh. We work. Back breaking work. The hardest work I've ever done in a kitchen in my life. I sweat. I choke on the air. I chop. I chop some more. I take a break. I chop some more. I wash dishes. My back hurts. I take a break. I was more dishes. I sweep. I mop. I stir. Only for a minute. They take the spoon away in disgust with my stirring. We laugh. I love the kitchen. Check me out:

The first thing I do every morning is cut and clean vegetables. These potatoes were covered in dirt when I first started (farmers don't wash certain vegetables in the market...usually the ones that people are going to peel the skin off of). All the leaf vegetables are cut really fine. This bowl of cabbage is huge and took forever.
Then we serve the children breakfast. Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of that.

Then I help wash dishes. This is truly back breaking work, but the girls help me. Water is really important, so there is no running water used to wash dishes. We make one huge pot of water and wash a million dishes in it.

Then I take a break and read a book for about an hour while drinking a cup of tea. Everyone loves to offer a cup of tea in Kenya...and the tea is pretty good...if only they didn't put so much milk in it...

I probably read about 5 pages a day because the kids interrupt my reading with their games and questions. "How do you say Kenya in your language?" a girl asked. "Kenya", I respond. The crack up laughing. "How do you say rice in your language?" "Rice." They laugh again. "You all realize that we both speak English? Most of the words are going to be the exact same". Yet, the continue to ask these questions for another hour or so...I don't mind one bit.

Finally, I help cook lunch in these huge firewood burning stoves. In this picture I was cooking ugali, which is the Kenyan version of grits. It is eaten for breakfast and lunch and served in a harder more solid form than American grits. You eat it with your hands with stew. I like it. But it was hard to make. It is impossible to stir, so my arms were getting tired. Notice all the smoke in this picture. I would run outside every 10 stirs and go get some fresh air. I was coughing and my eyes were turning red. The old lady in the kitchen was crying laughing of me. None of the Kenyan women left the kitchen even once...