Last night was my first night attempting to get some sleep in Ghana. Please note the word attempt. First of all, there is a 5 hour time difference so I felt as though I was going to bed at 5:00 in the afternoon. I was tired but could not find sleep. I had a bit of South African Merlot that I drank out of
Dasani water bottle because I figured it would help. Not to mention it was my first time sleeping under a mosquito net and that is an ordeal within itself. It is hot a hell under those things and the air does not flow through those little baby cracks in it. But let me keep things in perspective...I have no new mosquito bites this morning which is surprising considering that I was out chasing down runaways int eh middle of the night. I am a group leader on this trip and therefore responsible for making sure my group does the right thing. Of course, some
dumbasses decided to leave the dorm and go on an adventure. Which means another group leader and I had to get out of the bed and hunt them down. Imagine walking around a dark campus in the middle of the night looking for some kids who have been drinking...I was not pleased. When I got back to the room it was past midnight, hot, and every horny freaking nocturnal animal was singing its mating call. We are leaving for the village shortly and I am tired. I will not sleep on the ride because I have to see the sites outside the window.
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