This week I have been working at another school. The structure of school is very similar. Lots of down time, little instructional time, rote memorization, beautiful students, very little resources, uniformity, etc...We have been visiting these schools to teach them about proper hand washing and good sanitation practices. The further you get from the big city the less English the locals speak. We have been teaching using a translator. I do not really like it. I feel like it is a waste of time and energy. Shouldn't the translator just teach the information? I feel like the volunteers are being made a spectacle of. The students just look at us...stare at us while we talk and then understand the information from someone else. Why are we there? Is the information more legitimate when it comes from a bunch of Americans? We went to one class and the teacher introduced us, "We have some White people who have come to talk to you so listen up or you will suffer the consequences", then he motioned for us to take the floor. I laughed. Did this man not notice I am not White? and neither is this clearly Asian dude? When I finished teaching my part of the lesson, I motioned for the teacher to met me outside. "Why did you call me White? Look at me. I am a Black American. An African American. My skin is like yours," and then I held my arm beside his arm so he could see that we were the same, "I am not White." He paused. "I thought you would want to be called White. Did I offend you?" I informed him that not only had he offended me but he also offended the Chinese American guy who did not wish to be called White. He apologized as if he still didn't understand what the problem was. I guess he thought he was giving me a compliment... While speaking about race, I will interrupt this blog for a brief commercial:
Are you an African-American woman who cannot seem to find a good Black man? Are you discouraged because it seems that all the Black men in America are already taken, unemployed, egotistical, ugly, womanizers, with White women or gay? Well there is no reason for you to be lonely another day! Take that pillow from between your legs and call 1-800-MAN-DIGO! We have an entire continent of beautiful, intelligent, able-bodied, educated, marriage-minded Black men who will marry you! Log-in online, or visit us in our Ghana offices, where you can browse an abundance of men who are willing and ready to marry you. All you need is to be willing to ACTUALLY MARRY the man of your dreams so that they can become citizens and travel to the states with you. He will be forever indebted to you and will surely show his gratitude in whatever ways you deem necessary. There is no need to ever call Tyrone again! Satisfaction guaranteed! Our lines are filling quickly so call now! (The following will appear is small letters at the bottom of the screen) Once your Man-Digo arrives it is advisable that you keep him away from hip-hop culture, American material attitudes, White women, other men, drugs and other distractions. Locking him in the house is highly suggested so that you can enjoy the log term benefits of your investment. Also, we are not held liable for any chauvinistic, sexist or demanding behavior that comes from our Man-Digos. We can take the male-chauvinist out of Africa, but we can't take the male-chauvinism out of the African.
Follow this link to hear the most popular song in Ghana! And it happens to be my personal favorite! Monica, Crystal and Mommie I think you will get a kick out of this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTqSHhqFOyo
I have met a couple that I really like. I have dinner at their house a lot. There names are Christina and Gabrielle. I have more friends! Yeah, I'm cool like that :)
culturally unaware question...why do all the boys and girls have the same haircut?
ReplyDeleteWhen the Africans were colonized by the Europeans the Europeans decided that they hated Black hair. In order for children to attend school, White schools, they all had to shave their hair. 60 years of independence later, Africans are still oppressing themselves and maintaining the rules of the European colonizers by making shaved heads mandatory for school attendance. Its sad. A