I never knew what rain really was until I came to Ghana. Right now it is the rainy season and it literally RAINS every single night. It is loud, heavy, plopping rain that makes me wonder if the poor homes on the eroding hill are going to make it. After each rain, they are all still there. The rain keeps me up a lot at night. Back home, rain is so relaxing. I get my best sleep on rainy nights. This Ghanaian rain is something completely different. It keeps me wide awake and makes me wonder about God and how small I am compared to the collective power of the massive raindrops. Last night lightening struck so hard that the house literally shook. I was going to call out to see if the others were awake but in that moment I was afraid of the sound of my own voice. I think that is what it means to be terrified. Turns out, the others were wide-eyed and awake just like me. I guess it was one of those situations where everyone knew not to say a word...silence seemed like the safer option. Didn't want to upset the storm, or God. Seemed it was best to shut up and let her work. After a heavy rain everything is flooded and water collects in the potholes in the road. Yet, the standing water does nothing to slow down the production of the people. Everyone walks around, or through, the muddy water with their plantains on their heads and go to the market as if nothing happened. I am still getting used to it. My next visit to Africa will be in the dry season. I have heard it is so different. A man in the market said that one has never experienced the power of the sun until they are in sub-Saharan Africa in the dry season. No wonder the people are so Black.
I have recently discovered an African female tradition:Waist Beads. Mothers tie beads around their daughters waist to ensure that they will have a curvy shape upon development. When your beads sit above your waist, it means that you have hips and are therefore a woman. When you become a woman no one is to see your waist beads anymore. They are very sacred. All the little girls running around naked or half dressed have on waist beads. The women wear them too, but of course I don't see theirs until I ask about them. A young teacher showed me hers at the school. She told me they glow in the dark; trashy. LOL! I love it. So, I have gotten some waist beads and I LOVE THEM! They are very sexy. Most women wear 3-5 that they keep on for years and years. I am so crazy about these beads that I have about 12 around my waist. The beads are sold really long so I usually have extra beads remaining and I have put them around my wrist and ankles. I think I might need to remove some of my beads because they keep showing. Women run up to me in the market and point to my waist with alarm in their eyes. "Your beads are SHOWING!" their eyes scream, as if my hymen has been broken with the very second my beads escaped from my pants. I LOVE IT! It is so risque. Speaking of risque, I have also learned that wearing an anklet is a sign of prostitution and I have about 7 around my ankle as of now. I have yet to be solicited for any services. I asked a local why no one wants to buy the services I am advertising with my anklet. She told me that it doesn't really mean anything unless I am standing a certain street corner. Ha! Some things are universal...
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