There are a lot of people in Ghana who are unemployed. I would venture to say that most people in Ghana are not working. It is sad. The women always seem to be busy. I guess "a womans work is never done"; so, even if unemployed, the women are in a constant state of doing. There are a lot of beautiful, Black, young, able-bodied, men who are just standing around. (I feel like I have mentioned this already but it is such a big problem that saying it twice would still not be giving enough attention to the matter). Today I took a few pictures of men at work. I am assuming that neither of these men are collecting money for their work but I was impressed with their state of DOING. There is too much idleness here. Lots of sleeping on benches. Sitting on corners. Standing around. Leaning on walls. Walking slow. I wonder what that does for people mentally and emotionally...I can not be healthy. I am a firm believer that all people have the need to contribute in society and to see the value in their contribution. We all need something to do. It is the only way life is worthwhile...What else would we live for? Also, today I visited to the oldest standing Slave Castle in Elimina. On the way back from Elimina our crazy-driving taxi driver got into a car accident. It was a fender bender, and everyone got out of the car, said a few words, and went on their way. I was impressed with the flexibility of the people but concerned with the lack of consequence for reckless driving. The taxi's in Ghana are crazy! Scary to say the least. I would prefer not to ride in them at all. But how else will I get around?
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